Life is a gift. Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in.” - Celestine Chua

Friday, May 3, 2013

Seton Presents: Les Miserables

Les Miserables

October 2, 2013

Ben and Collin are in the school play this weekend at Seton Catholic Central. Many young men and women (and a few not so young:-P) worked together for several months to bring a nicely done, well performed play. Last night was opening night! We were there for the opening curtain! Great fun - especially the students.

October 2, 2013

Ben working on the docks  
Collin on the docks 
Collin as a pimp with Fontine (Rachel Polman) and an "Old Prostitute"

 Collin holds Javert at gunpoint
Collin as student/revolutionary 
Ben standing at the barricade ready to fight 
The barricade and fighters 
Collin looks on as Marius (Vincent Paniccia) holds Eponine (Larissa Yost) 
Collin consoles Marius 
Collin at the revolution
Drinking to the good old days - Collin and Wilson Hettinger 

Ben drinking, too 

It's all coming to an end - these kids did a fantastic job as leads 
It was a wonderful show, it sounded very good - the sets were wonderfully done and the costumes really helped tell the story! Now, 3 more shows to go and counting......

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Update from Upstate NY

I had some photos of events I wanted to share with you.

2013 already has proved to be an eventful year! No BIG news, just the daily in and our of our lives that is always nicer when shared with people you care about! Perhaps this will get too lengthy to manage in one post, and so I may break it down into "installments" - not that I have that much to write, but several photos I wanted to share with you!

Ben's Confirmation
On Sunday April 28, 2013 at 2pm, Ben and his Confirmation Class were welcomed by the Bishop into the Catholic Church as adults. It was a very nicely done Liturgy; Collin was Ben's sponsor and Grandma came to help us celebrate, which was so nice!

 Collin and Ben - two very handsome (and sweet) guys!

Collin, Ben, Bill - my 3 blessings
 My guys - dapper, eh?
 Me, Collin, Ben, Grandma
 Ben and Me
 Mom and Me
 Bill and Me

 Confirmandi class of St. James 2013

Ben, AP, Collin, Peter, Fergie

Some photos around home of Grandma's visit

 Ben has grown at least 6" since September - getting to be a tall man!
 Ben enjoying that he is taller than Grandma!
 Ben and Me
Ben is always clowning!

It's Spring!

Easter brought us unexpected family time. We took an impromptu trip to U of M to see my specialist. While there, we celebrated Easter with some of Bill's family.

 Bill and Ben
 John, Ben, Bill and Grandpa
Bill, Me, Dad

And so, we've had a full and blessed early Spring. I am so looking forward to warmer weather, gardening, walking, and replacing my prescribed Vitamin D with the sun! Winter is always difficult for me in a cold climate - but we survived winter (with surprisingly no major illness) and are happy to be embracing Spring!

I wish you all warm breezes, the sun on your face, the smell of flowers blooming, and all the majesty that the natural world and Our God gifts us with each day!

Be at peace!